
Glenn Judd‍
Chief Officer of Operations
  • Background in Chemical Engineering with an impressive 33 years of industrial experience spanning biotech, photographic materials, nanotech, personal care ingredients and finished goods.
  • Excelled in various roles in Research & Development, Engineering, and Operations.
  • In the last 12 years, he has served as a corporate officer, demonstrating his commitment to driving operational excellence and strategic growth.
Jack Roe
General Manager
  • Licensing, technology transfer, and commercialization experience across range of technologies.
  • Business development, planning, and execution.
  • BS, Boston College. Computer  Science. MBA, The Wharton  School , University of Pennsylvania.
Marie Phelps
Head of Operations and Finance
  • Lead a merger of two tech companies.
  • Focused on building the foundation for scalability and provide financial accountability for our investors.
  • Interests include travel and spending time with large extended family.
Dr.Saber Naserifar
Senior Computational Research Scientist
  • 13 years of research experience using computational and data driven methods in material science resulting in 24 publications, 16 conference presentations and 8 invited talks.
  • Established strategies to combine artificial intelligence, high-performance computing, and computational molecular science to produce fuels from sunlight for a $60 million Department of Energy project.
  • Ph.D in Chemical Engineering in 2009 from University of Southern California.
Dr.Sean Walsh
Lead Research Chemist
  • Application development and laboratory management.
  • Product Development Scientist for Lumadyne developing control and data collection system for lab-scale scientific instrumentation.
  • Created and patented an adhesive conversion coating for aluminum metal.
  • B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Notre Dame , Ph.D. in Chemistry from Rice University.
Dr.Erika Brown
Lead Project Engineer
  • Served as Principal Investigator and Program Manager for rapid development and long term research partnerships with the DoD, DOE and private partners.
  • Multiple publications and patents on novel materials.
  • Ph.D in Chemical Engineering in 2016 from the Colorado School of Mines.
Dr. Tannaz Tayyarian
Material Applications Engineer
  • Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering and MS in Materials Science from The Catholic University of America.
  • Lab Manager and Postdoctoral Fellow at The Catholic University of America's Intelligent Materials Lab in Washington, DC.
  • Professional Graduate Certificate in Additive Manufacturing.
Evan Gurnick
Full Stack Engineer
  • 5 years of experience in Data Science, Machine Learning, and Web Development.
  • Research in computational chemistry performing quantum mechanical computations to search for catalysts to convert natural gas into useful chemicals.
  • BS in Physics from the University of California, Santa Barbara.
David Chaparro
Automation Engineer
  • Bachelors of Science in Chemical Engineering at Cal State Long Beach.
  • Recent work in Butane Gas Production via distillation of desalted crude oil.
Adriana Fish
Operations Coordinator
  • BA in Pure Mathematics and Math Education from Sonoma State University.
    In Progress: MS in Mathematics from CSU Channel Islands.
  • Research in Algebraic Geometry and Math Education support for first-generation college students.
  • Current research in Data Science and Machine Learning.


Dr.Alex Zettl
LBNL Senior Scientist

  • First to theorize BNNT in 1994
  • Professor of physics at UC Berkeley
  • Senior Scientist at LBNL
  • R&D 100 Award winner
  • LBNL Outstanding Performance Award winner
  • Fellow of American Physical Society
Dr. Aidin Fathalizadeh
Co-Inventor of the EPIC process
  1. Co-Inventor of EPIC BNNT synthesis process
  2. Managing scientist at Exponent
  3. Holds multiple patents for BNNT materials and processes
  4. BS, MS, and PhD in Physics, UC Berkeley
Dr. Toby Sainsbury
Director of Future Manufacturing Ireland
  • Interim Director of Future Manufacturing Ireland
  • Responsible for National Industry 4.0 Strategy
  • Member of The Royal Society of Chemistry